Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Supports

Support has many different components. Without support on a daily bases I would never be able to do what I need to do to succeed in school, career, and maintaining my family.  I have support from the people closest to me such as the person who works as a co-teacher with me in the classroom. She supports me by taking on extra projects and going over and beyond as a teacher. This makes my job easier and supports me by freeing up some of my time and focus. At home my supports come from my family. I have a mother who helps me by sometimes watching the kids after school and helping them with their homework when needed. She is also a support when the schedules become crazy and everyone needs to be in different places at the same time. I would not be able to do the job I do at work or school without these supports. I hate taking time away from my children but know that it is important to accomplish my goals in life in order to support my children in the future. 
If I were to take on the challenge of selling our house, I would need support from not only my family but support from my coworkers.  Physically I would need help going through and pack items after living in a home for fifteen years. The task seems overwhelming.   Working full time and going to school on top of having middle school age children with schedules I would also need support by the family to work together to emotionally let go of items that they no longer need and understanding to move forward in life. I have thought of moving and this task seems overwhelming.  My coworkers support of understanding why I may not be able to do extra would also be needed if this task became a reality.   Without my family, friends, and coworkers I would not be able to succeed in what I do on a daily bases.