Friday, March 28, 2014

"My Connections to Play."

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”
“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
Alan Wilson Watts

As a young child, my sister and I would take our dogs out to a nearby trail and one of us would stay with the dogs at the trail head and the other would run through the trails and stop deep in the woods to call for the dogs to find us.  This was one of our favorite games to play.  Not only were we out of the sight of our parents and felt extremely independent, we were free to make up the rules of our play.  There was no one to tell us how and what to do.  We loved having the thrill of the adventure and chase.

When we engage in what we are naturally suited to do, our work takes on the quality of play and it is play that stimulates creativity.
Linda Naiman
The adults in my life supported my play through giving me opportunities to have free time at home.  My mom worked full time and my grandmother was able to be with me throughout the day.  This gave me the opportunity to be creative and play games with my sister and friends that lived close by.  My mother and grandmother also supported me in my play by assisting when we needed her.  She would make paper dolls that we would play with for hours and tell stories that I still remember today.  Having loving adults in my life gave me a secure feeling that allowed me to grow with confidence.

When we treat children's play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that's to be found in the creative spirit. It's the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.
Fred Rogers

In some ways I feel play is similar today because children are still using their imagination and making rules to their own games.  However, today play may look a little different because of how busy families have become.  Many parents work and have children in childcare centers during the day and then have busy schedules at night.  Childcare centers have less freedom to allow children to go out of sight of adults and explore.  I do feel that families today have less time to allow children to become creative.  Play played a large role in my life and my development.  I was able to play teacher and pretend to be a mother.  These role play schemes gave me opportunities to try out roles that came naturally to me.  The adults in my life were supported and gave me the support and love I needed to mature and develop.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Current Relationships

Current relationships and their value!
One current relationship that I will be focusing on is the relationship I have with my children.  The reason I chose this relationship to discuss is because not only is it one of the most important relationships in my life but it is one relationship that affects my early childhood profession.  As a teacher I feel that the respect I give the children in my class comes from me feeling that I treat every student like I would want a teacher to treat my own child.  Being a parent has also helped me to identify with the families that I enroll at our Preschool.  I am able to relate to them as parents and can hopefully impact their life in a positive way. 
                When I think of meaningful relationships, I think of characteristics such as respect, time spent together, and the fun of building memories.  Before becoming a parent my relationships between my students and the families I thought were meaningful however, I feel they are extremely important to me and are part of my job that I enjoy.
Meeting knew people and building new relationships is what life is all about. I enjoy knowing I will be building new professional relationships with new families and building a network of professional relationships in my professional life.  The joy and life lessons my own children have brought me and will continue to bring me will forever enrich my life.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

As I have grown and begin to understand my own learning style, I have realized i am a visual learner. So, I decided to use videos to represent my understanding of child development and a way to represent what I feel is important in the early childhood field. The following three videos are important to me and I wanted to share. Enjoy!

This TED talk by Alison Gopnik is one of the most amazing TED talks I have listened to.  This talk has shaped my way of thinking about child development. Thanks to my course this semester I was introduced to Alison Gopnik and feel her research and knowledge can help educators interact with children on a daily bases.

I found this video on you tube and decided to post this to my blog because this represents my commitment to getting children outside and the importance of outdoor play.

     I have also posted this video on the importance of play in early childhood.  This video gives my perspective a voice and I feel as a professional in the early childhood field that I can help parents and families to understand the importance of play and how this coincides with their development.