—To create and maintain safe and
healthy settings that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and
physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.
This ideal stood out most to me when
I was reading the NAEYC code of ethics statement of commitment. I feel strongly about this ideal. Young children deserve adults in their life
that respect and listen to them. In turn this is what then fosters social,
emotional, cognitive, and development. I
try to live by this in class every day and I believe this is why children love
coming to school which is what I strive for.
—To share information about each
child’s education and development with families and to help them understand and
appreciate the current knowledge base of the early childhood profession.
This ideal is important to my
profession because families are the most important part of a child’s life. With
trends always changing in the early childhood field, this ideal reminded me
that I have a responsibility to keep families informed about current issues and
research that affects early childhood. With this knowledge, then families can
understand their child’s education and their development.
—To work through education,
research, and advocacy toward an environmentally safe world in which all
children receive health care, food, and shelter; are nurtured; and live free
from violence in their home and their communities.
This ideal reminds me of how every
child needs to have a person that is behind them 100% when we are professionals
in the early childhood education and we see a child that needs our intervention
this code of ethic reminds me that we are to not turn our backs on a young
child when they need us advocating for them.
NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement
of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
The Division for Early Childhood.
(2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved
May 26, 2010, from
I think early childhood professionals should always try and advocate for the children that are in their classrooms. All children deserve a chance to receive proper health care, food, and shelter. They also all deserve to not be exposed to violence and to be nurtured. I find it sad that many children are denied what I think are basic rights children should have. I think early childhood professionals should advocate for those children who are not receiving those basic rights.